Coronavirus Response: Print Solutions for Restaurants


To say that this has been a difficult time for the restaurant industry would be an understatement. For restaurant owners, these last few months have been filled with difficult decisions and a whole lot of uncertainty.

As restaurants look to develop new protocols for reopening, we are determined to be a resource in that process.

According to the National Restaurant Association, single use menus are suggested as the best option to ensure the safety of your patrons.  Printing menus can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Our line of environmentally friendly RISO digital duplicators are the perfect fit for restaurants looking to print menus in house. Printing at 130 copies a minute and at only 1/3 of a cent per page, RISO printers are the fastest and most cost effective option on the market.

With RISO duplicators in restaurants across the city, including Gibson’s Steakhouse and Hugo’s Frog Bar, HBM is familiar with the unique needs of running a restaurant. You need a machine you can relay on that isn’t going to break the bank. Not only does in house printing allow restaurateurs to print single use menus, but it opens up the possibility for management to alter daily menus with ease. Want to try out a new special for a few days? Need to 86 a menu item on the fly? Having a printer in your own space allows you to make those changes without stressing about how to update your menu.

infographic hhoto by Sung Hwan Jang

infographic hhoto by Sung Hwan Jang

So…how does the RISO work?

Riso digital duplicators were once marketed to schools and churches as a cost effective way to make copies. In the last ten years, they have become a favorite of artists, zine publishers and printers around the world. Their unique line of ink color options and environmentally friendly technology, allow everyone from educators to artists to create beautifully printed materials at a fraction of the cost.

The technology behind the RISO digital duplicator is actually incredibly simple. You create your original and the RISO creates a temporary stencil of that image. That stencil, also called a master, is then laid onto the ink cylinder inside of the machine. After your master is created, you select the quantity of prints you would like to create and just press start. You paper pulled through the machine, ink is pressed from the drum, through the stencil, and onto the piece of paper. Think of it as a stamp. This method uses zero heat to set the ink after it is applied to the paper, making the machine unbelievably efficient and gives your finished product a beautiful, unique look. ‘

Why is RISO a good solution for my restaurant?

The RISO digital duplicator is the most cost effective solution on the market for printing single use menus in house. The machine is reliable and efficient, two crucial qualities of a product, especially in a busy restaurant. The machine is compact and not effected by heat, which means it can easily be used even in restaurants short on space.

We have partnered with the Illinois Restaurant association to offer a lease to own package that includes the machine and a service contract. We are also teaming up with Mohawk Paper to feature their curated list of high quality paper to make your menus pop.

lease package.JPG

To learn more about the RISO and our lease to own offer, watch our information video below: